Galette is the French term for a round, flat pastry, cake, or pancake. Galettes can be made of flaky pastry, potatoes, or a mixture of wheat and buckwheat flour.
In other words, galettes are versatile; the only real requirement is that they be round and flat.
Pastry galettes are often topped with fruit or baked with a filling of onions, while pancake-style galettes often have a filling of eggs, ham, and cheese.
Pancake-style galettes, which are basically just crêpes, come from the Brittany region of France, and are usually made with at least some buckwheat flour.
Galettes have been in the media lately.
The New York Times featured a piece entitled, “The Galette Recipe One French Creative Director Grew Up On,” on April 16, 2020, in which Pierre-Alexis Delaplace, of fragrance-maker Kerzon, shares his grandmother’s galette recipe.
Bon Appétit published a recipe for “Triple-Threat Onion Galette” in its April 2020 issue.