noblesse oblige
no-BLESS´ oh-BLEEZH´ French for ‘nobility obligates,’ the concept that high birth or rank obligates one to behave generously and honorably.
no-BLESS´ oh-BLEEZH´ French for ‘nobility obligates,’ the concept that high birth or rank obligates one to behave generously and honorably.
SIGH´-uhn A scion is a person, generally young, born into a rich and influential family.
The term carriage trade originally referred to business transacted with rich clients, but with time, it has also come to describe the group of rich clients themselves. As a general […]
The term jet set refers to the international group of rich people who congregate at the world’s most fashionable resorts. Members of the jet set are also members of the […]
en-TAB´-luh-chur An entablature, in classical Greek and Roman architecture, is a three-part structure resting atop a series of columns or pilasters. Traditionally, entablatures were made of stone, but they can […]
cawl-uhn-ADE´ A colonnade is a series of columns spaced at regular intervals. For example, all four sides of a classical Greek temple have colonnades, which support the roof of the […]
POR´-tuh-coh A portico is a covered porch, usually at the front of a building, formed by a colonnade supporting an extended roof. Think of the White House, which has porticos […]
puh-LAY´-dee-uhn A Palladian window is a large, composite window made of three vertical sections. The middle section, which is wider than the side sections, has an arched top. Palladian windows, […]
EN´-fuh-layd An enfilade is a series of aligned internal doorways that forms a long vista when the doors are open. Enfilades were an important feature of palace architecture in the […]
LOW´-juh A loggia is a roofed porch, gallery, or hall open to the outside air on one or more sides. Loggias evolved in the Mediterranean region as open sitting rooms […]